Love is a strong word, perhaps used too often to describe simple affection – even admiration.
But when we say we love you, dear listener, we want you to know that we really, really mean it.
Can you imagine a radio station without any listeners? Or even just one? And what if he or she wanted nothing but Bieber, all the time? Whether you’ve got Biebs Feber or not, that’s just not good radio.
So this year we’re partnering up with Morgan Jewelers to put a little oomph behind our love. Yep, it’s time to give away cash!
Tune in to 104.5 the U now through Tuesday, Feb. 13, and when Aubrey or Mike give you the prompt text “LOVE” at 406-800-1045. They’ll put your name in the hat for a $100 gift certificate to Morgan Jewelers, and then we’ll pick a winner around noon on Valentine’s Day.
We’ll also pick a runner-up to take home gift certificates for flowers and dinner on us!
So this Valentine’s Day, whether you’re celebrating marriage, puppy romance or just the freedom of being single and fabulous, just remember 104.5 the U loves YOU!