U104.5 and Missoula Parks & Recreation are excited to announce KidsFest 2017 – a free summer celebration for kids and kids at heart!
This is your chance to round up the kiddos and head to the park for a full days’ worth of fun and educational adventures, including games, arts and crafts, educational booths – and of course, plenty of great food!
This year’s live entertainment schedule includes The Salamanders, Childbloom Guitar and an interactive production from our friends Animal Wonders. And of course, Aubrey will be down there with coloring and sticker activities, plus a giant tic tac toe board – and lots of great station goodies for the adults!
Missoula Food Bank will provide free lunches for the kids, and Missoula Fresh Market will provide fresh fruit. Other activities include the Kiwanis Club Basketball Shoot, the Cabela’s Safe Archery Range and Mountain Mojo’s photo booth.
KidsFest 2017 runs 10:30 am to 2:30 pm on Tuesday, July 25th, in Caras Park.
For more details, call 721-PARK or follow THIS LINK. See you there!